Configuration Management

A collection of guides about creating Salt formulas in Qubes OS and distributing them as RPM packages to take advantage of the secure updates mechanism for dom0.


Using Qubes OS involves managing different virtual machines (qubes) for different purposes. While some activities can be performed using the programs installed by default in the operating system of a given qube, some activities require the qube to be specifically configured.

It is perfectly possible to perform that configuration manually. In theory, persistent qubes shouldn’t need to be configured more than once. However, in practice, it can be convenient to record and automate some of the steps required to configure your qubes. That is the purpose of configuration management software. Conveniently, Qubes OS uses Salt internally and supports user-defined configuration.

The following guides present examples of how Salt can be used in Qubes OS, and demonstrate workflows that can be used to perform configuration management in Qubes OS over time. As such, the guides aim at answering the following questions:

  • How can I write a Salt state specifically for Qubes OS?

  • How can I organize a Salt formula to allow different people to use it in different ways?

  • How can I develop my Salt formulas in a less-trusted qube, and mitigate risks when installing them in dom0?

Automating qubes configuration with Salt states

Salt can be used to manage the configuration of custom qubes in Qubes OS. While the most common uses of Salt are extensively documented, using Salt in Qubes OS is a little different.

This guide provides a practical introduction to the use of Salt in Qubes OS and demonstrates a reasonable workflow to create custom Salt states. It also highlights the specificities of the Qubes OS setup, so that you can use the traditional Salt documentation to inform your use of Salt in Qubes OS.

Using Salt in Qubes OS

The qubesctl command

When using Salt outside of Qubes OS, the salt command is used to enable top files or apply states. Qubes OS defines its own command qubesctl for that purpose. Whenever the official Salt documentation uses the salt command, you can use the qubesctl command in Qubes OS.

How to enable the Salt user directories in Qubes OS

Qubes OS uses Salt internally for configuration management. The Salt files are stored in several directories, mainly /srv/salt and /srv/pillar. The user directories /srv/user_salt and /srv/user_pillar can be used to store user-defined configuration.

Besides making management easier, making use of the user directories prevents user-defined configuration from being modified by accident during system updates.

[Once enabled, the user directories] will not be removed on removal of qubes-mgmt-salt by design nor will they be modified on any updates, other than permissions being enforced.

—source: qubes-mgmt-salt-base-config documentation on GitHub

The user directories are disabled by default, and can be enabled using Salt. 🤯

  1. Install qubes-mgmt-salt-base-config in dom0 if necessary:

    # dom0
    sudo dnf install qubes-mgmt-salt-base-config
  2. Enable the qubes.user-dirs top file:

    # dom0
    sudo qubesctl top.enable qubes.users-dirs

    As long as the top file is enabled, applying the state will ensure that the user directories exist.

  3. Verify that the top file was enabled:

    # dom0
    sudo qubesctl top.enabled
    # local: ①
    #     ----------
    #     base:
    #         - /srv/salt/_tops/base/ ②
    #         - /srv/salt/_tops/base/
    • ① In the command output, local refers to dom0 because we run qubesctl in dom0.

    • ② This is the line that indicates that the qubes.user-dirs top file is enabled.

  4. Ensure the user directories exist by applying the state:

    # dom0
    sudo qubesctl state.apply # the implicit target is dom0

If for any reason you want to disable the qubes.user-dirs top file, you can do it as follows:

# dom0

sudo qubestctl top.disable qubes.user-dirs

Tutorial: create a split-SSH Salt state for Qubes OS


This tutorial explains how to write a Salt state to configure split-SSH. Some familiarity with the split-SSH feature in Qubes OS is useful, but some context will be provided at every step.

The instructions to configure split-SSH in this tutorial are based on Using split ssh in QubesOS 4.0 by Kushal Das.

Split-SSH in a nutshell

In a conventional SSH setup, a qube would use its own SSH agent to retrieve the private key and perform authentication when connecting to a remote server. Because that qube is connected to the network, that same network connection could be used to exfiltrate the private key.

Qubes OS makes it possible for the SSH private keys and the SSH agent from one qube to be used by a another qube under the supervision of dom0. Such a setup is typically referred to as split-SSH because the SSH operation is split across two qubes. How does that work?

We’ll call ssh-vault the qube that stores the keys and performs every authentication operation. That qube has no network access, the keys never leave it, and dom0 supervises every access to its SSH agent. Ideally, to futher limit the attack surface, ssh-vault has no other responsibility than storing keys and performing authentication.

We’ll call ssh-client the qube that is attempting to connect to a remote machine. When the ssh program is used in the ssh-client, a request is performed to delegate the authentication operations to the SSH agent of the ssh-vault.

That request is evaluated by dom0 and access is granted or denied based on a pre-defined policy. If the request is denied, the ssh-client never got access to the ssh-vault. If the request is granted, the ssh-client can be used to authenticate with the remote machine without ever having seen the private keys.

Identify the qubes involved

Three qubes are involved in a typical split-SSH scenario:

  1. The vault needs to be able to provide an SSH agent

  2. A client needs to be configured to request access to the SSH agent of the vault

  3. A policy needs to be defined in dom0 to supervise access to the vault

Setting up split-SSH requires to ensure that these three elements exist, and we’ll first make sure the vault and client qubes exist. In Qubes OS, dom0 is a special case because it always exists. The role of our split-SSH state will only be to create a policy in dom0.

Create a directory for our Salt state and a directory for each of the qubes involved:

# dom0

sudo mkdir -p /srv/user_salt/split-ssh # ①

cd /srv/user_salt
sudo mkdir split-ssh/client split-ssh/policy split-ssh/vault

sudo tree split-ssh
# split-ssh
# ├── client
# ├── policy
# └── vault
  • ① We create our Salt state in /srv/user_salt because is one of the Salt user directories. This ensures our state is not modified by Qubes OS updates.

Create state files to ensure the qubes presence

Create two state files to ensure that both the split-SSH vault and client exist:

# dom0

sudo touch client/vm.sls vault/vm.sls

sudo tree split-ssh
# split-ssh
# ├── client
# │   └── vm.sls ★
# ├── policy
# └── vault
#     └── vm.sls ★

Write the content of the state files 1:

# split-ssh/vault/vm.sls

ssh-vault-present: # ①
  qvm.present: # ②
    - name: ssh-vault # ③
    - template: fedora-32 # ④
    - label: black
    - mem: 400
    - vcpus: 2

  qvm.prefs: # ⑤
    - name: ssh-vault
    - netvm: none # ⑥
    - default_dispvm: # ⑦

    - name: ssh-vault
    - autostart: True # ⑧
  • ① The ID of the state must be unique and tell what the state is about. This state ensures that ssh-vault is present.

  • ② This state relies on the Qubes OS qvm state to ensure that a qube is present. If needed, the qube will be created using the given parameters.

  • ③ The name of the qube, if a qube with that name is already present it won’t be modified.

  • ④ It is important that our qubes are based on a Fedora template for this tutorial.

  • ⑤ The qvm.prefs function of the Qubes OS qvm state allows to modify the settings of a qube.

  • ⑥ No netvm prevents any network access.

  • ⑦ Ensuring that no default_dispvm is set prevents a security warning in the Qube Manager (as well as accidental network access via disposable VMs).

  • ⑧ Starting the ssh-vault automatically when Qubes OS starts is optional, but I find it convenient.

# split-ssh/client/vm.sls

ssh-client-present: # ①
    - name: ssh-client # ②
    - template: fedora-32
    - label: blue
    - mem: 400
    - vcpus: 2
  • ① This state ensures that ssh-client is present. This ID will be shown in the logs when applying the state, make sure to choose one that makes sense on its own!

  • ② This state is very similar to the one that ensures the vault presence. Don’t forget that name of the qube is different 😉

And finally apply both states 1:

# dom0

sudo qubesctl state.apply split-ssh.client.vm,split-ssh.vault.vm saltenv=user
#              ①           ②                                     ③

# local:
# ----------
#           ID: ssh-client-present
#     Function: qvm.present
#         Name: ssh-client
#       Result: True               ④
#      Comment: /usr/bin/qvm-create ssh-client --class=AppVM --template=fedora-32 --label=blue --property=memory=400 --property=vcpus=2 None ⑤
#      Started: 16:00:00.000000
#     Duration: 6700.000 ms
#      Changes:
# ----------
#           ID: ssh-vault-present
#     Function: qvm.present
#         Name: ssh-vault
#       Result: True               ④
#      Comment: [SKIP] A VM with the name 'ssh-vault' already exists. None ⑥
#      Started: 16:00:06.700000
#     Duration: 600.000 ms
#      Changes:
  • ① This is the same command we used in the introduction to using Salt in Qubes OS. The implicit target is dom0.

  • ② When referring to Salt states in Salt commands or files, the directories are separated by dots and the extension is omitted. This parameter corresponds to split-ssh/client/vm.sls.

  • ③ When applying a single state like we’re doing here, it is necessary to specify the environment user in order to instruct Salt to look it up in the user directories (/srv/user_salt).

  • ④ The result is True when the state was applied successfully. In this case it means that the qube exists.

  • ⑤ The qube ssh-client didn’t exist before I applied the state. The command that Salt ran is written in the comment. That command was composed by the qvm.present function. Note that None is not part of the command, it represents the command output.

  • ⑥ The qube ssh-vault already existed when I applied the state. When the qube already exists, qvm.present prints an informational statement and exits successfully.

🎉 Congratulations! You’ve configured your first qubes with Salt! From now on, you can apply those two states as often as you’d like to ensure the qubes exist and have Salt create them automatically if they don’t.


Thank you to @0fe6db552f62d773 in the Qubes OS forum for reporting typos!

Identify which packages need to be installed

One of the features of Qubes OS is that few changes persist after a qube reboot. Each qube (also known as AppVM) is based on a TemplateVM. Because it is the default in the current Qubes OS release (R4.0), we’ll assume all three qubes are based on the fedora-32 template.

Every time a qube starts, most of its file system is copied fresh from its template. For that reason, when a package is installed in a qube, it isn’t available anymore after the qube is rebooted. However, for that same reason, packages that are installed in the qube’s template become available as soon as the qube is rebooted.

Since ssh is available in Fedora by default, it will be available in both ssh-vault and ssh-client. For reasons that will become clear later, a program called ncat must be available as well in both ssh-vault and ssh-client.

Create state files to ensure the required packages are installed

Let’s write a Salt state file that ensures ncat is available.

Salt encourages writing re-usable states. Because it will be used by the client and the vault, let’s save this state file in its own split-ssh/packages directory:

# dom0

sudo mkdir split-ssh/packages

sudo touch split-ssh/packages/ncat.sls

sudo tree split-ssh
# split-ssh
# ├── client
# │   └── vm.sls
# ├── packages ★
# │   └── ncat.sls ★
# ├── policy
# └── vault
#     └── vm.sls
# split-ssh/packages/ncat.sls

ncat: # ①
  pkg.installed: # ②
    - name: nmap-ncat # ③
  • ① The ID of the state must be unique and tell what the state is about. The name of the command seems appropriate.

  • ② This state relies on the pkg state to ensure that a package is installed. If needed, the package will be installed.

  • ③ The name of the package that provides ncat in Fedora is nmap-ncat.

Of course, it would be nice if all the states related to the vault and the client were contained in their respective directories. Happily, Salt allows to re-use existing states to create new states. First create two new state files that will specify which packages are needed in the vault and in the client:

# dom0

sudo touch split-ssh/client/packages.sls split-ssh/vault/packages.sls

sudo tree split-ssh
# split-ssh
# ├── client
# │   ├── packages.sls ★
# │   └── vm.sls
# ├── packages
# │   └── ncat.sls
# ├── policy
# └── vault
#     ├── packages.sls ★
#     └── vm.sls

Now let’s include the state we already wrote in both these files:

# split-ssh/client.packages.sls

include: # ①
  - split-ssh.packages.ncat # ②
# split-ssh/vault.packages.sls

  - split-ssh.packages.ncat
  • ① The include statement accepts a list of states that will all be added to the file as if they were copied. This allows to avoid unnecessary repetition while keeping the states organised.

  • ② Note how the state reference is the same we’d use in the Salt commands.

If we were to apply these states in dom0, the package would be installed in dom0 and that is not what we want. That is why we’ll instruct Salt to skip dom0 and target the fedora-32 template.

# dom0

sudo qubesctl --skip-dom0 --target=fedora-32 state.apply split-ssh.client.packages saltenv=user
#              ①           ②                              ③                         ④

# Fedora-32: OK ⑤

less /var/log/qubes/mgmt-fedora-32.log # ⑥
# press Shift+G to jump to the end of the file, press Q to quit
# [...]
# 2020-12-16 00:13:23,195 calling 'state.apply split-ssh.client.packages saltenv=user'... ⑦
# 2020-12-16 00:15:03,399 output: fedora-32:
# 2020-12-16 00:15:03,400 output: ----------
# 2020-12-16 00:15:03,400 output:           ID: ncat                  ⑧
# 2020-12-16 00:15:03,400 output:     Function: pkg.installed
# 2020-12-16 00:15:03,400 output:         Name: nmap-ncat
# 2020-12-16 00:15:03,400 output:       Result: True                  ⑨
# 2020-12-16 00:15:03,400 output:      Comment: The following packages were installed/updated: nmap-ncat
# 2020-12-16 00:15:03,400 output:      Started: 00:14:01.929264
# 2020-12-16 00:15:03,400 output:     Duration: 61565.657 ms
# 2020-12-16 00:15:03,400 output:      Changes:
# 2020-12-16 00:15:03,400 output:               ----------
# 2020-12-16 00:15:03,401 output:               nmap-ncat:
# 2020-12-16 00:15:03,401 output:                   ----------
# 2020-12-16 00:15:03,401 output:                   new:
# 2020-12-16 00:15:03,401 output:                       2:7.80-4.fc32
# 2020-12-16 00:15:03,401 output:                   old:
# 2020-12-16 00:15:03,401 output:                                     ⑩
  • ① Skipping dom0 to make sure we don’t install the packages in dom0.

  • ② Targeting fedora-32 so that the packages are installed in the template.

  • ③ When targeting a qubes that is not dom0, only one state can be applied at a time.

  • ④ Reminder: when applying a specific state from the user directories, the Salt environment must be specified.

  • ⑤ The command executed successfully in fedora-32. For security reasons, dom0 doesn’t print the logs from other qubes.

  • ⑥ A management qube was started to apply the state to fedora-32, and its logs were appended to a file in dom0.

  • ⑦ This is the command that was executed in fedora-32. At that stage, the targeting already happened.

  • ⑧ The ID of our state.

  • ⑨ Success!

  • ⑩ The package wasn’t installed before, so there was no “old” version number.

sudo qubesctl --skip-dom0 --target=fedora-32 state.apply split-ssh.vault.packages saltenv=user
#                                                         ①

# Fedora-32: OK

less /var/log/qubes/mgmt-fedora-32.log
# press Shift+G to jump to the end of the file, press Q to quit
# [...]
# 2021-03-21 18:22:10,318 calling 'state.apply split-ssh.vault.packages saltenv=user'...
# 2021-03-21 18:23:32,486 output: fedora-32:
# 2021-03-21 18:23:32,487 output: ----------
# 2021-03-21 18:23:32,488 output:           ID: ncat
# 2021-03-21 18:23:32,488 output:     Function: pkg.installed
# 2021-03-21 18:23:32,489 output:         Name: nmap-ncat
# 2021-03-21 18:23:32,489 output:       Result: True            ②
# 2021-03-21 18:23:32,489 output:      Comment: All specified packages are already installed
# 2021-03-21 18:23:32,490 output:      Started: 18:23:27.400582
# 2021-03-21 18:23:32,490 output:     Duration: 2789.409 ms
# 2021-03-21 18:23:32,490 output:      Changes:                 ③
# 2021-03-21 18:23:32,491 output:
# 2021-03-21 18:23:32,491 output: Summary for fedora-32
# 2021-03-21 18:23:32,491 output: ------------
# 2021-03-21 18:23:32,492 output: Succeeded: 1
# 2021-03-21 18:23:32,492 output: Failed:    0
# 2021-03-21 18:23:32,492 output: ------------
# 2021-03-21 18:23:32,492 output: Total states run:     1
# 2021-03-21 18:23:32,493 output: Total run time:   2.789 s
# 2021-03-21 18:23:32,493 exit code: 0                          ④
  • ① Applying the vault state this time.

  • ② Success!

  • ③ Because the package was already installed, there were no changes this time.

  • ④ Salt exited successfully in fedora-32, that is why Salt in dom0 printed Fedora-32: OK.

You made it! 💚 That was a lot to go through, but you know now how to apply Salt states to qubes other than dom0.

You probably are also starting to realize that applying states one by one requires many different commands, and accurate targeting requires a lot of attention. Good news is that Salt provides a way to make that simpler and less error-prone: it’s time to write some top files.

Identify the configuration files needed for each qube

The vault requires:

  • A remote procedure call (RPC) definition to allow access to the SSH agent from other qubes. Like all other RPC definitions, it should be located in /etc/qubes-rpc/.

  • A desktop entry for ssh-add. That file should be placed in /home/user/.config/autostart to ensure that ssh-add starts when the qube starts.

A policy that supervises access to the vault must be defined in dom0. This policy will specifically supervise the usage of the vault’s SSH Agent RPC. Like all other RPC policies, it should be located in /etc/qubes-rpc/policy.

The client requires a Unix socket to be available to send data to the vault when using the SSH Agent RPC. That requires managing two files: one to create the socket and another to ensure it is discoverable when needed.

Create state files to manage configuration files in dom0

Create a state file to manage the RPC policy:

# dom0

sudo touch split-ssh/policy/init.sls # ①

sudo tree split-ssh
# split-ssh
# ├── client
# │   ├── packages.sls
# │   └── vm.sls
# ├──
# ├── packages
# │   └── ncat.sls
# ├── policy
# │   └── init.sls ★
# ├──
# ├── vault
# │   ├── packages.sls
# │   └── vm.sls
# └──
  • ① Since we’ll only use one state file to configure the policy, we can call it init.sls. This allows to refer to it in Salt by split-ssh.policy.

Add that state file to the policy top file:

# split-ssh/

    - split-ssh.policy # ①
  • ① This refers to split-ssh/policy/init.sls. The list of states available to dom0 is no longer empty!

Write the content of the state file 1:

# split-ssh/policy/init.sls

/etc/qubes-rpc/policy/qubes.SSHAgent: # ①
  file.managed: # ②
    - user: root # ③
    - group: root
    - mode: '0755'
    - makedirs: True ④
    - source: salt://split-ssh/policy/files/qubes.SSHAgent # ⑤
  • ① When managing a file, the ID must be the full path of the file.

  • ② This state relies on the file state to manage the presence and content of the RPC policy.

  • ③ The ownership and permissions can be managed as well.

  • ④ Ensures that directories are created if necessary.

  • ⑤ The source that will be used to determine the contents of the file. The prefix salt:// allows to look up the file in the Salt directories. This address corresponds to /srv/user_salt/split-ssh/policy/files/qubes.SSHAgent.

Create the source file for the policy:

# dom0

sudo mkdir split-ssh/policy/files # ①
sudo touch split-ssh/policy/files/qubes.SSHAgent # ②

sudo tree split-ssh
# split-ssh
# ├── client
# │   ├── packages.sls
# │   └── vm.sls
# ├──
# ├── packages
# │   └── ncat.sls
# ├── policy
# │   ├── files ★
# │   │   └── qubes.SSHAgent ★
# │   └── init.sls
# ├──
# ├── vault
# │   ├── packages.sls
# │   └── vm.sls
# └──
  • ① Create a directory to keep the source files organised.

  • ② The name of the RPC policy files usually starts with qubes., followed by the name of the program being called. In our case, it is the vault’s SSH agent that is called, so qubes.SSHAgent seems appropriate.

Write the content of the policy file:

# split-ssh/policy/files/qubes.SSHAgent

ssh-client ssh-vault ask
# ①         ②        ③
  • ① The first column in a Qubes OS RPC policy is the source of the remote procedure call.

  • ② The second column is the destination.

  • ③ The third column is the permission. In this case, we want dom0 to ask if access to the vault should be granted or denied.

Apply the state!

# dom0

sudo qubesctl state.apply # ①
# local:
# ----------
#           [Skipping some output for brevity.]
# ----------
#           ID: /etc/qubes-rpc/policy/qubes.SSHAgent # ②
#     Function: file.managed
#       Result: True         # ③
#      Comment: File /etc/qubes-rpc/policy/qubes.SSHAgent updated
#      Started: 17:40:47.401244
#     Duration: 81.815 ms
#      Changes:
#               ----------
#               diff:
#                   New file # ④
#               group:
#                   root
#               mode:
#                   0755

cat /etc/qubes-rpc/policy/qubes.SSHAgent # ⑤
# ssh-client ssh-vault ask
  • ① As usual, dom0 is the implicit target.

  • ② The ID of the state that managed the RPC policy.

  • ③ Success!

  • ④ The file was created.

  • ⑤ The content of the file matches the content of split-ssh/policy/files/qubes.SSHAgent.

As long as the split-ssh.policy top file is enabled, Salt will ensure the split-SSH policy file exists and matches its source file when the state is applied. This is enough to manage files in dom0.

Create state files to manage configuration files in AppVMs

Both ssh-client and ssh-vault are AppVMs (also known as template-based qubes, I’ll keep writing qube and qubes to keep it short).

When identifying the required packages, we noted that most files don’t persist after a qube reboots. One way to ensure a file is always present in a qube is to create the file in the qube’s template. We could create all the configuration files in the qubes’ template, but that would make them available in any qube based on that template. We can do better.

Two parts of a qube file system persist across reboots: the user directory (/home/user) and the /rw directory. In order to ensure that a file is always available in a qube, we will first ensure the file exists in /rw/config/split-ssh, then ensure that is automatically copied to its intended location every time the qube starts.

Conveniently, all qubes contain a script that runs every time the qube starts: /rw/config/rc.local. Because that script is located in the /rw directory, any changes we make to it will persist across reboots.

With that in mind, we will use Salt to manage our configuration files in /rw/config/split-ssh, and also append code snippets to /rw/config/rc.local in order to ensure that each configuration file is automatically copied to its intended location when the qube starts.

Create state files to manage the vault configuration files

Reminder: the vault requires creating two configuration files. None of those files exist in the qube by default.

Create the source files for both of them:

# dom0

sudo mkdir split-ssh/vault/files # ①
sudo touch split-ssh/vault/files/qubes.SSHAgent  # ②
sudo touch split-ssh/vault/files/ssh-add.desktop # ③
  • ① Create a directory to keep the source files organised.

  • ② Like the name of the RPC policy files, the name of the RPC files themselves usually starts with qubes., followed by the name of the program being called. In our case, it is the vault’s SSH agent that is called, so qubes.SSHAgent seems appropriate.

  • ③ The name of the desktop files is usually the name of the program being described, ssh-add in this case, followed by the .desktop extension.

Then create source files for the two corresponding code snippets. Those will be appended to /rw/config/rc.local and contain instructions to copy the RPC definition and the desktop file to the location where we need them to be after the qube starts.

# dom0

sudo mkdir split-ssh/vault/files/rc.local.d # ①
sudo touch split-ssh/vault/files/rc.local.d/config # ②
sudo touch split-ssh/vault/files/rc.local.d/rpc    # ③
  • ① When the content of multiple file snippets is appended to a configuration file, it is conventional to place the snippets in a directory named after the configuration file. The extension .d represents the “directory”. In this case, the contents of the rc.local.d directory will be used to extend the rc.local file.

  • ② The first snippet will ensure that that ssh-add is configured to start automatically when the qube starts.

  • ③ The second snippet will ensure the RPC definition is available in the vault.

Finally, create two state files to ensure the source files are present in the qube and the code snippets are appended to the qube’s rc.local script.

# dom0

sudo touch split-ssh/vault/config.sls # ①
sudo touch split-ssh/vault/rpc.sls    # ②

sudo tree split-ssh
# split-ssh
# ├── client
# │   ├── packages.sls
# │   └── vm.sls
# ├──
# ├── packages
# │   └── ncat.sls
# ├── policy
# │   ├── files
# │   │   └── qubes.SSHAgent
# │   └── init.sls
# ├──
# ├── vault
# │   ├── files ★
# │   │   ├── rc.local.d ★
# │   │   │   ├── config ★
# │   │   │   └── rpc ★
# │   │   ├── qubes.SSHAgent ★
# │   │   └── ssh-add.desktop ★
# │   ├── config.sls ★
# │   ├── packages.sls
# │   ├── rpc.sls ★
# │   └── vm.sls
# └──
  • ① Will ensure that the desktop file is present in the qube and that rc.local is extended to ensure ssh-add starts automatically.

  • ② Will ensure that the RPC definition is present in the qube and that rc.local is extended to ensure it is located in the /etc/qubes-rpc/ directory.

Write first the content of the files needed to ensure ssh-add is configured:

# split-ssh/vault/config.sls

/rw/config/split-ssh/ssh-add.desktop: # ①
  file.managed: # ②
    - user: root
    - group: root
    - mode: '0755'
    - makedirs: True # ③
    - source: salt://split-ssh/vault/files/ssh-add.desktop # ④

ssh-agent-autostart-present: # ⑤
  file.append: # ⑥
    - name: /rw/config/rc.local ⑦
    - source: salt://split-ssh/vault/files/rc.local.d/config # ⑧
  • ① This state ensures that the file /rw/config/split-ssh/ssh-add.desktop exists in the targeted qube.

  • ② It relies on the file state to ensure that a file is present. If needed, the file will be copied from the specified source.

  • ③ While /rw/config likely exists in the qube, the split-ssh directory doesn’t. Here we ensure Salt creates any missing directory.

  • ④ Like we did before with the RPC policy, our salt state contains a source file that can be copied to the targeted qube if necessary.

  • ⑤ This state ensures the ssh-add autostart configuration is present in the qube, so that the SSH agent is always available once the qube has started.

  • ⑥ The file.append function ensures the presence of specific lines in a file.

  • ⑦ ⑧ If the content of the source file is not already present in /rw/config/rc.local, then it will be added to the end of the file.

# split-ssh/vault/files/add-ssh.desktop

[Desktop Entry]  # ①
Exec=ssh-add     # ②
  • ① The format of the desktop entry files is specified by the organisation.

  • ② For autostart purposes, the essential information is what command should be executed. Executing ssh-add will start the SSH agent.

# split-ssh/vault/files/rc.local.d/config

# ①
# Ensure ssh-add is started automatically
# See /srv/user_salt/split-ssh in dom0 for details.
rm -f ~user/.config/autostart/ssh-add.desktop # ②
mkdir -p ~user/.config/autostart/             # ③
ln -s /rw/config/split-ssh/ssh-add.desktop ~user/.config/autostart/ssh-add.desktop
# ④     ⑤                                    ⑥
  • ① The content of this file will eventually be copied to the rc.local script of the targeted qube. Because you may want to inspect that script at a later time, it is convenient to include a comment explaining why this snippet of code was added.

  • ② In order to start from a clean state, let’s remove the autostart script if it exists. The -f option prevents the command from failing if the file doesn’t exist.

  • ③ Ensure the autostart directory exists before adding anything to it.

  • ④ Create a symbolic link avoids unnecessary duplication.

  • ⑤ The symbolic link will reference the desktop file that is present in the targeted qube /rw/config directory. Remember that directory persists across reboots.

  • ⑥ By placing the symbolic link in the ~user/.config/autostart directory, we ensure the SSH agent is started automatically when the qube starts.

Then write the content of the files needed to ensure the RPC definition is present:

# split-ssh/vault/rpc.sls

/rw/config/split-ssh/qubes.SSHAgent: # ①
    - user: root
    - group: root
    - mode: '0755'
    - makedirs: True
    - source: salt://split-ssh/vault/files/qubes.SSHAgent # ②

rpc-present: # ③
  file.append: # ④
    - name: /rw/config/rc.local # ⑤
    - source: salt://split-ssh/vault/files/rc.local.d/rpc # ⑥
  • ① This state ensures the presence of the /rw/config/split-ssh/qubes.SSHAgent file in the targeted qube.

  • ② If necessary, the file is copied from the source file that is stored in dom0 as part of this Salt state.

  • ③ This state ensures the RPC definition is available in the targeted qube.

  • ④ Reminder: the file.append function ensures the presence of specific lines in a given file.

  • ⑤ ⑥ Ensures the presence of a snippet of code in the rc.local script, so that the SSH Agent RPC is enabled every time the qube starts.

# split-ssh/vault/files/qubes.SSHAgent

#!/bin/sh # ①
notify-send "[`qubesdb-read /name`] SSH agent access from: $QREXEC_REMOTE_DOMAIN"
# ②             ③                                            ④
# ⑤  ⑥   ⑦
  • ① In Qubes OS, the RPC definitions are shell scripts that are executed if the corresponding RPC policy allows it.

  • notify-send prints a notification to inform the user of important events.

  • ③ The qubesdb-read /name command prints the name of the qube where it is executed. In our case, it will be ssh-vault.

  • ④ The $QREXEC_REMOTE_DOMAIN variable is managed by Qubes OS when a RPC is used. In our case, the remote domain will be ssh-client. Note that “domain” in this case refers to a qube, not a Qubes OS domain because qrexec is executed in the context of Xen. Xen is the hypervisor used by Qubes OS and it refers to virtual machines as domains.

  • ⑤ This is why ncat needed to be available in the vault!

  • ncat -U allows to read and write data using Unix sockets. In this case the socket is used to read and write data between ssh-client and ssh-vault in the Qubes OS.

  • ⑦ The variable $SSH_AUTH_SOCK is managed by Qubes OS. Its value is the name of a Unix socket that was created for the purpose of SSH authentication.

# split-ssh/vault/files/rc.local.d/rpc

# ①
# Add the split-SSH RPC
# See /srv/salt/split-ssh in dom0 for details.
rm -f /etc/qubes-rpc/qubes.SSHAgent # ②
ln -s /rw/config/split-ssh/qubes.SSHAgent /etc/qubes-rpc/qubes.SSHAgent
# ③    ④                                   ⑤
  • ① Like before, adding some information about why the code was added makes the rc.local script easier to read on its own.

  • ② Start clean.

  • ③ Create a symbolic link to avoid unnecessary duplication.

  • ④ The qubes.SSHAgent definition is stored in the qube’s persistent directories.

  • ⑤ For a remote procedure call to be available, its definition must be placed in the /etc/qubes-rpc directory. Unlike /rw/config, changes to the /etc/qubes-rpc directory are lost when the qube reboots. This snippet of code will run every time the qube starts and ensure the SSH Agent RPC is available.

Finally, add both state files to the vault top file:

# split-ssh/

    - split-ssh.vault.vm

    - split-ssh.vault.packages

  ssh-vault: # ① ★
    - split-ssh.vault.config # ② ★
    - split-ssh.vault.rpc    # ③ ★
  • ① These two state files must be applied in the ssh-vault.

  • ② The first one refers to split-ssh/vault/config.sls. It ensures the SSH agent is started when the qube starts.

  • ③ The second one refers to split-ssh/vault/rpc.sls. It ensures the SSH agent of the qube can be accessed from other qubes via a RPC.

Only remains to apply the state:

# dom0

sudo qubesctl --skip-dom0 --target=ssh-vault state.apply
#              ①           ②

# ssh-vault: OK

less /var/log/qubes/mgmt-ssh-vault.log
# press Shift+G to jump to the end of the file, press Q to quit
# [...]
# 2020-12-17 17:57:23,096 calling 'state.apply'...
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,894 output: ssh-vault:
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,895 output: ----------
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,895 output:           ID: /rw/config/split-ssh/ssh-add.desktop
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,896 output:     Function: file.managed
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,896 output:       Result: True             # ③
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,896 output:      Comment: File /rw/config/split-ssh/ssh-add.desktop updated
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,896 output:      Started: 17:58:51.533277
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,897 output:     Duration: 208.409 ms
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,897 output:      Changes:
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,897 output:               ----------
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,897 output:               diff:
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,898 output:                   New file
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,898 output:               mode:
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,898 output:                   0755
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,898 output: ----------
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,899 output:           ID: ssh-agent-autostart-present
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,899 output:     Function: file.append
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,899 output:         Name: /rw/config/rc.local
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,899 output:       Result: True             # ④
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,899 output:      Comment: Appended 7 lines # ⑤
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,900 output:      Started: 17:58:51.741914
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,900 output:     Duration: 47.981 ms
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,900 output:      Changes:
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,900 output:               ----------
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,901 output:               diff:
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,901 output:                   ---
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,901 output:
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,901 output:                   +++
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,902 output:
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,902 output:                   @@ -8,3 +8,10 @@
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,902 output:
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,902 output:                    #  rm -rf /etc/cups
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,902 output:                    #  ln -s /rw/config/cups /etc/cups
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,903 output:                    #  systemctl --no-block restart cups # ⑥
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,903 output:                   +
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,903 output:                   +# Ensure ssh-add is started automatically
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,903 output:                   +#
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,903 output:                   +# See /srv/salt/split-ssh in dom0 for details.
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,904 output:                   +rm -f ~user/.config/autostart/ssh-add.desktop
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,904 output:                   +mkdir -p ~user/.config/autostart/
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,904 output:                   +ln -s /rw/config/split-ssh/ssh-add.desktop ~user/.config/autostart/ssh-add.desktop
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,904 output: ----------
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,904 output:           ID: /rw/config/split-ssh/qubes.SSHAgent
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,905 output:     Function: file.managed
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,905 output:       Result: True             # ⑦
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,905 output:      Comment: File /rw/config/split-ssh/qubes.SSHAgent updated
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,905 output:      Started: 17:58:51.790168
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,905 output:     Duration: 8.168 ms
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,905 output:      Changes:
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,906 output:               ----------
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,906 output:               diff:
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,906 output:                   New file
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,906 output:               mode:
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,906 output:                   0755
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,907 output: ----------
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,907 output:           ID: rpc-present
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,907 output:     Function: file.append
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,907 output:         Name: /rw/config/rc.local
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,907 output:       Result: True
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,907 output:      Comment: Appended 6 lines
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,908 output:      Started: 17:58:51.798551
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,908 output:     Duration: 11.351 ms
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,908 output:      Changes:
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,908 output:               ----------
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,908 output:               diff:
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,908 output:                   ---
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,909 output:
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,909 output:                   +++
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,909 output:
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,909 output:                   @@ -15,3 +15,9 @@
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,909 output:
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,909 output:                    rm -f ~user/.config/autostart/ssh-add.desktop
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,910 output:                    mkdir -p ~user/.config/autostart/
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,910 output:                    ln -s /rw/config/split-ssh/ssh-add.desktop ~user/.config/autostart/ssh-add.desktop # ⑧
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,910 output:                   +
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,910 output:                   +# Add the split-SSH RPC
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,910 output:                   +#
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,910 output:                   +# See /srv/salt/split-ssh in dom0 for details.
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,911 output:                   +rm -f /etc/qubes-rpc/qubes.SSHAgent
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,911 output:                   +ln -s /rw/config/split-ssh/qubes.SSHAgent /etc/qubes-rpc/qubes.SSHAgent
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,911 output:
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,911 output: Summary for ssh-vault
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,911 output: ------------
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,911 output: Succeeded: 4 (changed=4)
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,912 output: Failed:    0
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,912 output: ------------
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,912 output: Total states run:     4
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,912 output: Total run time: 275.909 ms
# 2020-12-17 17:58:52,912 exit code: 0
  • ① Since dom0 is already configured, skipping it saves some time.

  • ② Thanks to the top file, only the states that target ssh-vault will be applied when the state is applied to ssh-vault.

  • ③ Success! The desktop file is present in a persistent location of ssh-vault. This time it was created by Salt from the source file.

  • ④ Success! The snippet of code is present in the rc.local script of ssh-vault. That means the autostart configuration for ssh-add will be set up every time the qube starts.

  • ⑤ Because it was originally missing, Salt appended the snippet to rc.local in order to ensure its presence.

  • ⑥ Note that depending on the content of your vault’s rc.local script, these context lines may be different. The lines that were appended are identified by the + symbol.

  • ⑦ Success! The SSH Agent RPC definition is present in the vault.

  • ⑧ The snippet of code that will ensure the RPC is active when ssh-vault starts is present too. Note that this time, the last few lines of rc.local were the ones we appended above!

🚀 You’ve fully automated the vault configuration. This was the most complex part. In doing so, you learned that it is possible to store persistent configuration in /rw/config and that it can be automatically copied to non-persistent location when the qube starts by taking advantage of the qube’s rc.local script. Automating the client configuration is simpler.

Create state files to manage the client configuration files

Reminder: the client requires two configuration files to be managed. Both file already exit by default in the qube, so we only need to ensure they contain two snippets of code.

Create the source files for both of them:

# dom0

sudo mkdir -p split-ssh/client/files/bashrc.d split-ssh/client/files/rc.local.d # ①
sudo touch split-ssh/client/files/bashrc.d/sock    # ②
sudo touch split-ssh/client/files/rc.local.d/sock  # ③
  • ① Create a directories to keep the source files organised. The contents of the bashrc.d directory will be used to extend the user’s .bashrc file, and the contents of the rc.local.d directory will be used to extend the qube’s rc.local file.

  • ② ③ The word “socket” is abbreviated as “sock” in the code that we’ll write. Naming these files sock keeps the naming consistent.

Finally, create a state file to ensure that both the code snippets are appended to the qube’s configuration files.

# dom0

sudo touch split-ssh/client/sock.sls # ①

sudo tree split-ssh
# split-ssh
# ├── client
# │   ├── files ★
# │   │   ├── bashrc.d ★
# │   │   │   └── sock ★
# │   │   └── rc.local.d ★
# │   │       └── sock ★
# │   ├── sock.sls ★
# │   ├── packages.sls
# │   └── vm.sls
# ├──
# ├── packages
# │   └── ncat.sls
# ├── policy
# │   ├── files
# │   │   └── qubes.SSHAgent
# │   └── init.sls
# ├──
# ├── vault
# │   ├── files
# │   │   ├── rc.local.d
# │   │   │   ├── config
# │   │   │   └── rpc
# │   │   ├── qubes.SSHAgent
# │   │   └── ssh-add.desktop
# │   ├── config.sls
# │   ├── packages.sls
# │   ├── rpc.sls
# │   └── vm.sls
# └──
  • ① This state file will ensure that that both ~user/.bashrc and rc.local are extended to ensure a Unix socket is automatically created and discoverable when the qube starts.

Write the content of the state file:

# split-ssh/client/sock.sls

ssh-socket-present: # ①
  file.append: # ②
    - name: /rw/config/rc.local ③
    - source: salt://split-ssh/client/files/rc.local.d/sock # ④

ssh-socket-discoverable: # ⑤
    - name: ~user/.bashrc # ⑥
    - source: salt://split-ssh/client/files/bashrc.d/sock # ⑦
  • ① This state ensures that a socket is created in the targeted qube when rc.local is executed.

  • ② Reminder: the file.append function ensures the presence of specific lines in a given file.

  • ③ ④ Ensures the presence of a snippet of code in the rc.local script, so that a Unix socket is created every time the qube starts.

  • ⑤ This state ensures the socket name is available to user, so that they can rely on it to make use of the vault’s SSH agent RPC.

  • ⑥ ⑦ Ensures the presence of a snippet of code in the ~user/.bashrc script, so that the socket is discoverable.

Then write the content of the files needed to ensure the socket is present and discoverable:

# split-ssh/client/files/bashrc.d/sock

# ①
# Ensure the SSH socket is discoverable
# See /srv/user_salt/split-ssh in dom0 for details.
SSH_VAULT_VM="ssh-vault" # ②

if [[ "$SSH_VAULT_VM" != "" ]]; then # ③
        export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=~user/.SSH_AGENT_$SSH_VAULT_VM # ④
  • ① The content of this file will eventually be copied to the ~user/.bashrc script of the targeted qube. Because you may want to inspect that script at a later time, it is convenient to include a comment explaining why this snippet of code was added.

  • ② The name of the vault will be used multiple times. Placing it in a variable avoids unnecessary repetition.

  • ③ If the name of the vault was left empty, skip exporting the name of the socket.

  • ④ Exporting the name of the socket in the SSH_AUTH_SOCK variable will make it available to SSH. When that variable is set, SSH uses it every time access to an SSH agent is needed.

# split-ssh/client/files/rc.local.d/sock

# ①
# Create split-SSH socket
# See /srv/user_salt/split-ssh in dom0 for details.
SSH_VAULT_VM="ssh-vault" # ②

if [[ "$SSH_VAULT_VM" != "" ]]; then # ③
        export SSH_SOCK=~user/.SSH_AGENT_$SSH_VAULT_VM # ④
        rm -f "$SSH_SOCK" # ⑤
        sudo -u user /bin/sh -c "umask 117 && ncat -k -l -U '$SSH_SOCK' -c 'qrexec-client-vm $SSH_VAULT_VM qubes.SSHAgent' &"
        #     ⑥                   ⑦            ⑧                             ⑨
  • ① The content of this file will eventually be copied to the rc.local script of the targeted qube. Because you may want to inspect that script at a later time, it is convenient to include a comment explaining why this snippet of code was added.

  • ② The name of the vault will be used multiple times. Placing it in a variable avoids unnecessary repetition.

  • ③ If the name of the vault was left empty, skip creating the socket.

  • ④ The name of the socket will be used multiple times. Placing it in a variable avoids unnecessary repetition. Note that the name of the socket is the same that was set in the ~user/.bashrc file.

  • ⑤ Let’s remove the socket if it exists in order to start from a clean state. The -f option prevents the command form failing if the socket doesn’t exist.

  • ⑥ Execute a shell as user.

  • ⑦ Ensure that when the socket is created, only the user and its group can use it by setting its permissions to 0x770.

  • ⑧ ⑨ This is why ncat needed to be available in the client. It will create the socket, and configure it to execute the vault’s SSH agent RPC when data becomes available.

Finally, add the state file to the client top file:

# split-ssh/

    - split-ssh.vault.vm

    - split-ssh.vault.packages

  ssh-client: # ① ★
    - split-ssh.client.sock # ② ★
  • ① The state file must be applied in the ssh-client.

  • ② This is a reference to split-ssh/client/sock.sls.

Only remains to apply the state:

# dom0

sudo qubesctl --skip-dom0 --target=ssh-client state.apply
#              ①           ②

# ssh-client: OK

less /var/log/qubes/mgmt-ssh-client.log
# press Shift+G to jump to the end of the file, press Q to quit
# [...]
# 2020-12-17 13:34:27,299 calling 'state.apply'...
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,441 output: ssh-client:
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,442 output: ----------
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,442 output:           ID: ssh-socket-present
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,442 output:     Function: file.append
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,443 output:         Name: /rw/config/rc.local
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,443 output:       Result: True # ③
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,443 output:      Comment: Appended 11 lines # ④
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,443 output:      Started: 00:36:08.427153
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,444 output:     Duration: 376.834 ms
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,444 output:      Changes:
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,444 output:               ----------
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,444 output:               diff:
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,445 output:                   ---
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,445 output:
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,445 output:                   +++
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,445 output:
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,446 output:                   @@ -8,3 +8,14 @@
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,446 output:
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,446 output:                    #  rm -rf /etc/cups
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,447 output:                    #  ln -s /rw/config/cups /etc/cups
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,447 output:                    #  systemctl --no-block restart cups # ⑤
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,447 output:                   +
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,447 output:                   +# Create split-SSH socket
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,448 output:                   +#
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,448 output:                   +# See /srv/user_salt/split-ssh in dom0 for details.
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,448 output:                   +SSH_VAULT_VM="ssh-vault"
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,448 output:                   +
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,448 output:                   +if [["$SSH_VAULT_VM" != ""]]; then
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,449 output:                   +export SSH_SOCK=~user/.SSH_AGENT_$SSH_VAULT_VM
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,449 output:                   +rm -f "$SSH_SOCK"
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,449 output:                   +sudo -u user /bin/sh -c "umask 117 && ncat -k -l -U '$SSH_SOCK' -c 'qrexec-client-vm $SSH_VAULT_VM qubes.SSHAgent' &"
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,449 output:                   +fi
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,449 output: ----------
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,450 output:           ID: ssh-socket-discoverable
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,450 output:     Function: file.append
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,450 output:         Name: ~user/.bashrc
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,450 output:       Result: True # ⑥
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,450 output:      Comment: Appended 9 lines
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,451 output:      Started: 00:36:08.804326
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,451 output:     Duration: 18.413 ms
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,451 output:      Changes:
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,451 output:               ----------
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,451 output:               diff:
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,452 output:                   ---
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,452 output:
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,452 output:                   +++
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,452 output:
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,452 output:                   @@ -16,3 +16,12 @@
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,453 output:
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,453 output:                    # export SYSTEMD_PAGER=
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,453 output:
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,453 output:                    # User specific aliases and functions
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,453 output:                   +
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,454 output:                   +# Ensure the SSH socket is discoverable
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,454 output:                   +#
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,454 output:                   +# See /srv/user_salt/split-ssh in dom0 for details.
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,454 output:                   +SSH_VAULT_VM="ssh-vault"
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,454 output:                   +
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,455 output:                   +if [["$SSH_VAULT_VM" != ""]]; then
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,455 output:                   +export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=~user/.SSH_AGENT_$SSH_VAULT_VM
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,455 output:                   +fi
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,455 output:
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,455 output: Summary for ssh-client
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,456 output: ------------
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,456 output: Succeeded: 2 (changed=2)
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,456 output: Failed:    0
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,456 output: ------------
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,456 output: Total states run:     2
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,457 output: Total run time: 395.247 ms
# 2020-12-17 13:36:10,457 exit code: 0
  • ① Since dom0 is already configured, skipping it saves some time.

  • ② Thanks to the top file, only the states that target ssh-client will be applied when the state is applied to ssh-client.

  • ③ Success! The snippet of code is present in the rc.local script of ssh-client. That means a socket for SSH will be created every time the qube starts.

  • ④ Because it was originally missing, Salt appended the snippet to rc.local in order to ensure its presence.

  • ⑤ Note that depending on the content of your client’s rc.local script, these context lines may be different. The lines that were appended are identified by the + symbol.

  • ⑥ Success! The snippet of code is present in ~user/.bashrc. That means the socket will be used by the client’s SSH process in order to access the vault’s SSH agent.

🎉 You’ve fully automated the client configuration! In doing so, you took advantage of the fact that /etc/config/rc.local and ~user/.bashrc are persistent files to keep the state simple.

Apply the split-SSH state anytime

We’ve been applying the state after each step, so at this point your split-SSH setup is ready to use. The advantage of automating its configuration, however, is that you can ensure that split-SSH is ready to use at any time with a single command:

# dom0

sudo qubesctl --target=fedora-32,ssh-client,ssh-vault state.apply
#               ①                                       ②

# [Skipping the output for dom0. It can be verbose but contains the same snippets demonstrated above.]
# Fedora-32: OK
# ssh-client: OK ③
# ssh-vault: OK

less /var/log/qubes/mgmt-fedora-32.log
# press Shift+G to jump to the end of the file, press Q to quit
# [...]

less /var/log/qubes/mgmt-ssh-client.log
# press Shift+G to jump to the end of the file, press Q to quit
# [...]

less /var/log/qubes/mgmt-ssh-vault.log
# press Shift+G to jump to the end of the file, press Q to quit
# [...]
  • ① The content of the top files will determine which qubes are able to apply which states. Targeting a qube instructs it to apply all the state files available to it. Because all three split-SSH top files are enabled, we have state to apply for dom0 (implicit target), fedora32, ssh-client and ssh-vault.

  • ② As long as the top files are enabled, split-SSH is now part of the state of your Qubes OS installation. Applying the state includes ensuring that split-SSH is set up.

  • ③ The output of the command will contain the output of each of the state that you created in this tutorial. For each of them, the line Result: True indicates success.

Use split-SSH as usual

Whether you set up split-SSH manually or using Salt, the usage remains the same.

  1. Generate a new SSH key in the vault:

    # ssh-vault
    ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""
  2. Add your new SSH private key to the SSH agent:

    # ssh-vault
    ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
  3. Add the SSH key to the server you want to connect to. (Example: Add a new SSH key to your GitHub account)

  4. Connect to the server as you would normally do. A dialog will be created by dom0 asking you to authorize the operation qubes.SSHAgent from ssh-client.

    Type ssh-vault in the target field and press “OK” to allow the operation. Example:

    # ssh-client
    ssh -T
    # Hi <your_username>! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.

Recap and takeaways

All done! Congratulations, you’ve successfully written, applied and tested a split-SSH Salt state in Qubes OS! 🌱

This was no small feat, and along the way you learned:

  • how to create qubes and adjust preferences from dom0

  • how to install packages in a qube’s template so that they are available in the qube

  • how to ensure specific files are present in a qube (and only in that qube) even in non-persistent locations

  • how to ensure that a qube scripts contain necessary code snippets

  • how to apply specific states to specific qubes

  • how to use top files in order to apply state to multiple qubes at once

  • where to find and how to read the output of the qubesctl commands

  • where to find the official Salt documentation for the most useful built-in states

  • and maybe some things about how split-SSH works in Qubes OS 😉

Further reading

The last section of this guide builds on this tutorial to collect a list of steps to follow when designing your own Salt states for Qubes OS.

The following guide explains how Salt pillar can be used in Qubes OS to turn Salt states into configurable formulas.

Finally, the last guide in this series explains how Salt states and formulas can be distributed as RPM packages and why that may be useful.

How to design a Salt state for Qubes OS

🐻 I haven’t written this section yet, it is a generalization of the process demonstrated in the split-SSH tutorial.

Configurable Salt formulas for Qubes OS

🐻 I haven’t written this section yet, but if you feel like looking at some code, this Salt formula is an example of what this section aims at explaining.

RPM Packaging

When using Qubes OS, dom0 is the most trusted and the most critical qube of all. Because of that, it has no network access, and you probably want to perform as many activities as possible in dedicated qubes outside of dom0.

One of the benefits of using configuration management software like Salt is that you can use version control systems to keep track of the changes to your configuration. More often that not, you’ll want to store those changes online (e.g. on GitHub). Besides that, to develop your configuration files (Salt states, Salt formulas) you’ll probably want to use a set of tools that you don’t want to use in dom0.

But copying files from less-trusted to more-trusted qubes should be avoided. Because dom0 is the most trusted qube and the most critical qube, copying files to dom0 from a work qube on a regular basis doesn’t seem reasonable to me (your circumstances may be different!)

There are, however, mechanisms by which dom0 can be updated. In particular, the dom0 secure updates mechanism provides better security than copying files between qubes. In order to take advantage of the secure updates mechanism, we need to package our Salt formulas as RPM packages, and use the security features of the RPM workflow to allow dom0 to verify them. This guide explains how to do that.

How to create an RPM package

🐻 I haven’t written this section yet, but if you feel like looking at some code, this RPM package is an example of what this section aims at explaining.

How to publish RPM packages

This guide provides a starting point to publish personal RPM packages for use in Qubes OS.


This guide assumes that the RPM packages do not contain confidential or sensitive information.


At the time of writing, Qubes OS’ dom0 runs Fedora. Fedora relies on DNF to install, update and remove RPM packages. DNF downloads RPM packages from repositories. The repositories can be either local (the repository is located in a directory in your file system), or remote (the repository can be reached across a network). Any number of repositories can be used. Some repositories are provided by the Fedora project, others by the Qubes OS project, but you can add your own as well.

This guide describes how to create a repository for your personal RPM packages, how to test it locally, and how make it available through the internet so that you can use it to update your own dom0.

Create a RPM repository

  1. Create a Git repository from the Qubes Packages template

  2. Clone your new Git repository

  3. Follow the README instructions to initialize the RPM repository

Test the RPM repository locally

🐻 I haven’t written this section yet.

Publish the RPM repository


The following instructions deploy your RPM repository using Surge, of course you can deploy it using your preferred web hosting provider, and you can deploy it as a local repository if you wish. The RPM repository is contained in the public/ directory and the content is entirely static.

  1. Follow the README instructions to deploy the RPM repository

  2. Commit your changes

How to add an RPM package repository to dom0

🐻 I haven’t written this section yet.

Threat model


The goal is to protect the trustworthiness of dom0. Specifically, to avoid to the extent possible the parsing of untrusted data and the execution of untrusted code in dom0.


  • GPG signatures can be trusted to:
    • prove a file was signed by the owner of the key

    • prove the integrity of a file

  • dom0 is trustworthy

  • dom0’s secure update mechanism is trustworthy

  • gpg-vault is trustworthy when:
    • generating GPG keys

    • copying a GPG key from it into dom0 (sudo qvm-run --pass-io 'cat file')

  • gpg-backend is trustworthy when:
    • signing files (gpg)

  • work is trustworthy when:
    • building RPM packages (tito, rpm)

    • signing RPM packages (rpmsign)

    • signing files (qubes-gpg-client-wrapper)

  • the content of the RPM packages themselves, if authentic, is trustworthy

  • the qube used to deploy the package repository doesn’t need to be trusted

  • the server of the package repository doesn’t need to be trusted